
HeadStart was Created to Help Level-up Higher Ed  Marketing Teams

“A 360-degree view of campus”, and “a cradle-to-grave understanding of prospects, students, and alumni” all sound great. And while – technically – many of the platforms being offered in the space can potentially do that, the biggest thing that nobody tells you is that you almost certainly do not have the staff, time, money, inter-departmental coordination, data-cleanliness nor data organization necessary to get there.

Instead, you likely work in a decentralized organization, with no coordination between marketing functions, not to mention data. You probably have staff for whom this endeavor is just one more thing they have to add to their already-full plates. And if you haven’t done this before, you may have no idea of the years it will take to actually get something like ‘a 360-degree view of prospects’ into place. And don’t even get us started on #higher-ed-politics!

All of this results in the temptation of marketing departments to purchase software platforms thinking that they are buying outcomes when in reality they are purchasing extremely complex blank sheets of paper. 

And this is why HeadStart Marketing Platform was created. 

Our Mission

We are on a mission to educate, guide, and advance higher ed organizations and their marketing staff so that they can succeed in a competitive marketplace. And to do so without “nickel and diming” you to death! Oh, and making sure 100% of the data is yours.

Our Goal

Our goal is to start you off (or start over, as the case may be!) on the right foot for adopting digital marketing and marketing automation skills.

Goal: learn and adopt new ways of thinking and new technologies. Start simply and grow more complex as your team’s sophistication evolves. Success, from our point of view, is that your organization and staff will have evolved beyond what HMP can provide in three to four years.

Our Commitment

Our commitment to open-source software provides certain freedoms that other platforms don’t have. Here is one: In order to make sure that you and your team are comfortable with HeadStart, we will guarantee that, should anything happen to HeadStart or the company that supports it, we will provide you with the entire AWS EC2 instance and MySql database in operational condition that you will be able to run yourselves.

Our Story

HeadStart Marketing Platform™ was created by Keystone Marketing Technology, a consulting company built around the idea of providing higher education marketing and IT teams with access to experience and skills in the CRM, marketing automation, web, and SEO world.